The sad pilgrimage story of “Kōshi-Jizo”

Going down the slope on the east side of Chiyoda-jinja Shrine to the north, you will find a Jizo-do. There is a sad story related to this enshrined Jizo telling about a tragedy that occurred during the pilgrimage of a mother and child. One of the ancient roads that runs through Kawachinagano city area, is the pilgrimage road going from the site No.4 of the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage, Mt. Makio Sefukuji temple, to the site No.5 Fujiidera temple. Starting from Amanosan Kongoji temple, it follows the school road next to the Amano Community Center to Hirono, Takō Mizu-ochi, Uwahara-Tsukado, going north at the west side of Nishidai shrine and at Hara-no-tsuji intersects with the Nishi-Kōya Kaido. Then, after Mukaino Nagasaka, it continues to the Higashi-Kōya Kaido. That place was also the border between Ichi Village and Mukaino Village.
On March 29, 1728 (year 8 of Kyoho era) a pilgrim was found who had fallen here with a small daughter standing beside him. According to the story, he called himself “Tokuemon from the Yoshii Village of Shitsuki Province, Bitchu land”. The people from both villages reported to the government office and took care of them with a doctor, but the father died that same year, on the night of May 7th. After the mourning, her daughter was returned to her land.
Nine years later, she came back to thank the villagers who had taken care of her and her father, and she set up a Jizo statue with the inscription “to the left Makinoo road” to honor her father’s soul. The Eye-Opening Ceremony (kaigen hoyo) was held on November 24, 1737 (year 2 of the Genbun era).
After the years, the sad pilgrimage story of the “father and daughter” had turned to be told as the Koshi Jizo of “mother and child”. We have confirmed more than 100 signposts in the city, but nearly 30% of them are indicating the pilgrimage routes to Mt. Makio Seifukuji temple and Fujiidera temple.