Thirteen Buddhas Stone Steles
(Group of stone Buddhas of former Amida-dera
(Amitabha) temple ruins in Hara-machi)

The Thirtheen Buddhas Stone Steles (Group of stone Buddhas of former Amida-dera temple ruins in Hara-machi) are located near Hara-machi on the east side of the West Koya Kaido. The group of stone Buddhas are composed of two stone steles with 13 Buddhas engraved, one standing statue of Jizō Bosatu (Bodhisattva) and one standing statue of Kannon Bosatsu (Bodhisattva). Now they are worshiped by the Hara-machi Jizō-ko group. At the southern part of this site, there was an Amida-dera temple before, and these stone statues were settled in the cemetery for worship. In the Meiji period this Amida-dera temple was closed and transferred to the place they are now.
(quote from “KŌYA KAIDO” published by the Kawachinagano City Board of Education)