Shorin-ji Temple

This temple started as a holy place where the monk Eison Risshi (1201~1290) made his preaches in the Kamakura Period. It became Shorin-ji temple when the monk Shuei Risshi who was born in Kami-iwaze in Kawachinagano, rebuilt the Main Hall in the middle of the Edo Period (1710). The Shihon-chakushoku Syuji-ryoukai-mandarazu (Mandala of Sanskrit seed syllable on colored paper) is a City’s Designated Cultural Property and the Fudōmyō-ō zazō (Fudō’s -Acala- wooden seated statue) is an Osaka Prefecture’s Designated Cultural Property.
(quote from “KŌYA KAIDO” published by the Kawachinagano City Board of Education)